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The FoEP Logo:
Improved Logo 2.png

The FoEP logo consists of a ring of 26 black circles on a green square with a blue strip running down the left-hand side of the square.  ‘Friends of Eastfield Park’ is written vertically in Monotype Corsiva font down the blue strip and the initials ‘FOEP’ are written in Goudy Stout font as a block in the centre of the ring.


The green and blue of the logo represent the grass and water of Eastfield Park; the 26 black circles represent the Bull Ring, one of the oldest features of the Park being present on maps dated 1798 (there were 26 trees in the ring at the time of the sale of the Weston Favell House Estate in 1923/1924). Monotype Corsiva font was used as a heading for ‘Friends of Eastfield Park’ when it was first formed in 2006 (it has since been replaced with Script MT Bold or Monotype Baskerville); Goudy Stout font was chosen for ‘FOEP’ to represent the ‘rural’ nature this suburban Park.  (The ‘O’ of FoEP is in capitals for the sake of balance; it is normally written in lower case.)


The FoEP have a number of policies covering various aspects of our organisation and the work we do.  All members are expected to follow these policies whenever taking part in FoEP activities and events.

Copies of the various policies can be downloaded by clicking the following links.

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